Wake Up Indonesia

As Sangha of the Month this month, we get to know Wake Up Indonesia and how they get involved with the monastics in forming a...

Being Here Now for 13 Years!

I started the Be Here Now Sangha, rooted in the mindfulness tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh, in September of 2002, when I was 23...

The Middle Way Sangha

Addressing “Aging Out” of the Wake Up New York Sangha Dear Sangha, I am writing to share happy news from New York. The young adult...

My One Year Residency at Blue Cliff Monastery

How one year at Blue Cliff Monastery opened Thien Kim's heart ten-fold I could not possibly put one-year of experience living at Blue Cliff Monastery...

Weaving the Wake Up Web

For the past few years I have had the immense pleasure of serving as a Wake Up Coordinator. What exactly is a Wake Up Coordinator?...

Reconnecting My Family

By Monastic Sister Sinh Nghiem As monastics we are allowed periodically to have a home visit. I wanted to have a home visit to see...

Wake Up New York

As Sangha of the Month for the month of October, we travel to the east coast of the United States and find out how...

The Music We Are

“It was quite incredible how much love there was in 6 days” Last year’s “The Music We Are” Wake Up retreat at the EIAB started...

Mother Earth

  by Brother Phap Man Mother Earth Earth Mother. Womb. We have never been apart for all of these ages, and never apart for all these ages to come. The willow...

Digital Introduction to Mindfulness

In line with the Miracle of Mindfulness Tour 2015, we have created a digital introduction to Mindfulness. It allows you to get in touch with the roots...

How Doing Nothing Can Change the World

By Evan Sutter “Our entire life has been training. The question is: training in what? This question means: training in which direction? If we train...

How Are You Part of the #MiracleofMindfulness?

Thich Nhat Hanh teaches us that the way to peace and happiness is through personal transformation, and that mindfulness is the key. From September 1...

Mindfulness Internship Position in New Zealand

About the Centre: Dharma Gaia is a Mindfulness Practice Centre, nestled among the Beautiful Coastal hills of the Coromandel Peninsula, on the North Island...

And Be

by Olga Bloemen from the Netherlands And Be Just to fall back on the grass and be just to fall down on my bed and stay to be just a...

Trust in the Sangha

Anneke has been a regular in Wake Up Nijmegen, her hometown in the Netherlands for two years. She got into the practice through a...

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