Pictures from Wake Up Gardeners (previously ambassadors) Retreat 2025

During 28 February - 7 March the Wake Up Garderners Retreat took place. This is a retreat for the people watering and caring for...

12 Vignettes from Wake Up Humanity Retreat 2022

Abi shares with us their experience of the big Wake Up Humanity Retreat that took place with several hundred young adults in July 2022...

Looking Deeply into White Conditioning

Meeting the Origins of Our White Conditioning in Our Store Consciousness By Jula Pethes and Mareike Jautschus How have the seeds in my store consciousness influenced...

International Queer Retreat: Coming Out, Coming Home, Coming Together

By Jula Pethes and Mareike Jautschus Title photo by Pavel Danilyuk As many of the retreats this year, our planned gathering as the LGBTQIA+1 International Community...

Food For The Future

On January 9, 2021, a panel of Wake Up friends who are devoting their lives to spreading the benefits of plant-based food and veganism, gathered online to...

Farming For The Future

"You are a gardener, and you have in your hands the power to transform garbage into flowers, into fruit, into vegetables. You don’t throw...

A Plum Village retreat in your living room

Plum Village Retreat Shifts Online No one planned for an online retreat at Plum Village in 2020, but conditions are now sufficient to better realize...

Gatha for Healing Racial, Systemic and Social Inequity

Aware of the suffering caused by racial, systemic, and social inequities, we commit ourselves, individually and as a community, to understanding the roots of...

Digital Introduction to Mindfulness

In line with the Miracle of Mindfulness Tour 2015, we have created a digital introduction to Mindfulness. It allows you to get in touch with the roots...

How Are You Part of the #MiracleofMindfulness?

Thich Nhat Hanh teaches us that the way to peace and happiness is through personal transformation, and that mindfulness is the key. From September 1...

Wake Up Retreat with Sister Jewel

Wake Up Retreat for Young Adults (16–30 years old) with Sister Jewel Dates: 25 - 27 July 2014 Times: Friday 19 - 21.30, Saturday 9 - 20:00, Sunday 9 - 17:00 Location:  Quelle...

Wake Up Wilderness – Alaska

“People usually consider walking on water or in thin air a miracle. But I think the real miracle is not to walk either on...

Wake Up Germany Retreat


Day of Mindfulness at the USC

Click here for more information and RSVP

Wake Up Retreat – The Music We Are

Click here to see a sample retreat day schedule and click here to register for the retreat.

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