Waking Up at the EIAB


by Friso Woudstra

16-18 May 2014

Wake Up Nijmegen from the Netherlands
Wake Up Nijmegen from the Netherlands

Every year the Wake Up Nijmegen Sangha has a weekend retreat at the Thich Nhat Hanh monestary in Waldbröl, Germany. This movie shows some of the beautiful sights of the European Institute of Applied Buddhism (EIAB), as well as the walking meditation with the monks and the Bathing of the Buddha ceremony. This ceremony was held at Yesak, the birthday of the Buddha. I’ve tried to show what mindful living among the monks can feel like.

Our retreat was quiet and simple with just eight people. My Sangha buddy Jerome expressed the feeling spot on: “Being here at the EIAB, you are like a drop of water that is carried along with the stream of mindfulness.”

We enjoyed the activities with the monks together – eating, participating in the ceremony and the walking meditations – and had some great moments in contact with the nature around us. I loved the Dharma talk by the brother on the dependent nature of mental formations, which gave me a beautiful moment of insight the last day of the retreat. Something to take home with you, alongside with the mindfulness and growth of the Sangha.

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  1. This video brings me right in the retreat atmosphere! Thanks for sharing 🙂


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