The world we plant
watch the video! 🙂
A Permaculture and Right Livelihood Wake Up Retreat for young people
26th April – 24th May 2014
a 4 week long mindful Permaculture experience,
“Right livelihood has ceased to be a purely personal matter. It is our collective karma.” Thich Nhat Hanh
A month in the garden. A month in Nature. A month in Community. A month of Learning and Sharing.
With our world in transition and our economy in transformation, reflecting on our interaction with and contribution to the world is more important than ever. Many of us have a sense of urgency when it comes to making a change and creating a world we all want to live in. This can bring a lot of stress, anxiety and overwhelming feelings; there is so much to do!
One of the factors leading to happiness according to the
fourth noble truth the Buddha shared with us is
Right Livelihood. Practicing Right Livelihood means engaging in work that benefits us, others and the world around us. When we see that our work is meaningful and makes us contribute, it can bring us a lot of happiness. ‘Right Livelihood is a question of ethics and how to produce well-being, not only for ourselves but for all those affected by our work – directly or indirectly’ according to Thich Nhat Hanh. Looking into the questions of why are we here? (on this earth, at this workplace, these studies?) What is our contribution? How can we work together? we will try to find out how the practice of mindfulness can help us thrive instead of drown, see possibilities instead of focusing only on what is going wrong, find our own talents and learn to trust in them. Because the way we support ourselves can be an expression of our deepest self.
Right Livelihood is a question of ethics and how to produce well-being, not only for ourselves but for all those affected by our work – directly or indirectly’ ~ Thich Nhat Hanh.
Permaculture understands nature, and thus also a garden, as a whole system, in which all elements have their contribution to make. Are you ready to come explore the wonders and wisdom of Permaculture gardening with us?
We will learn about how to apply the wisdom of natural ecosystems to cultivating plants in harmony with nature, and how to practice with these insights in our lives, our communities as well as in the garden of our heart. We will practice stopping, dwelling in the wonderful present moment, taking our time and doing everything in mindfulness: walking, sitting, eating, working, relaxing, having fun playing in the garden and becoming aware of all the wonderful conditions that support life in us and around us.
We will also learn to look at our own life and all the elements that come together to create what we are living right here, right now. Is this what we really want? Is this what the world needs? What seeds can we water more, which ones should we be careful with? During the retreat we want to look into these questions.
“The garden reminds us that how we are in our lives is up to us. When we garden with mindfulness, every time we breathe in, we will know we are breathing in. Every time we breathe out, we will know we are breathing out. In this way, we are fully ourselves.”-Thich Nhat Hanh from the Foreword, Mindfulness in the Garden
We will have the opportunity to learn from the wisdom of
experienced Permaculture teachers, listen to Dharma Talks by the monks and nuns of Plumvillage, as well as learning from each other’s love, insights and collective experience.
applying what we have learned in hands on practice,
working with our hands (and feet) in the beautiful rich soil,

investigating how to create something together and taking care of each other as a community,
looking deeply into how we can take care of our inner and outer environment
and by taking the time tobe in nature and with nature,
we can deepen our understanding and our connection.
Dear friend, who is reading these lines…
You are welcome.
General Retreat Information. (please read carefully)
As we want to enable young people to come to this Retreat, we kept the cost as low as possible. This means that we will be camping in tents, spend most of the time under the vast open sky and will learn how to interact and live on the land peacefully and in harmony with Mother Earth.
Of course it is also possible to join the Retreat only for one, two or three weeks! However, as spaces are limited, we will give priority to people who can stay for the whole 4 weeks. Also, we would love to know what your motivation for coming to this retreat is. There are no right or wrong answers and we hope you will enjoy this exercise of reflection! Because of the limitation in number of participants, we will give priority to those who are particularly interested in the combination of Right Livelihood, Permaculture and Mindfulness practice.
You can only arrive and leave on Saturdays.
or (if the this doesn’t work) send the required information to
Financial Contribution:
1 week: 200 €
2 weeks: 350 €
3 weeks: 500€
4 weeks: 600€
this includes: pick up from Train station (Ste Foy la grande) / Airport (Bergerac), a beautiful place to put up your tent, bathroom facilities, food, teachings, transport for field trips, gardening materials
As soon as you receive the registration confirmation, please transfer your contribution.
Your Registration will only become effective as soon as you have transferred your contribution and we have confirmed your participation. If, for some reason, you cannot pay immediately, please inform us about this and we will find a solution.
The financial contribution is calculated in a way that it just barely covers the cost of making the Retreat possible (food, materials to learn with and travel expenses for the teachers) If you really don’t have the financial means to help us cover these expenses, please contact us. We will do whatever we can to support you by making scholarships and discounts possible. However, please have understanding, that there will be a limited amount of these.
Update: For now, we are not able to provide any scholarships yet for anyone who needs some financial support. However, since we would really want to make this retreat available for everybody we are looking into fundraising possibilities right now. Anyone who’d like to support us with tips, ideas, help in organizing an event is very welcome to contact us!!
Also, we would like to encourage everybody to look into personal fundraising possibilities. Explain your friends and family how important this is for you. Propose you will do little chores for support. Organize a spaghetti night. Play music on the street. Be creative! 😉
Update: We started an Indigogo Campaign! 🙂
If it is in your financial capacity to give more than the regular contribution, it will be a great support in making these scholarships possible. So please feel welcome to do so!
The Permaculture teachers will offer their wisdom as a free gift to the young people so that Permaculture can be passed on through the generations. In order to show our appreciation to them for coming to teach us, we would like to ask for your support through Dana.
Check out our flyer and share it with friends and your local communites!