The Middle Way Sangha

Addressing “Aging Out” of the Wake Up New York Sangha Dear Sangha, I am writing to share happy news from New York. The young adult...

Trust in the Sangha

Anneke has been a regular in Wake Up Nijmegen, her hometown in the Netherlands for two years. She got into the practice through a...

Growth in Wake Up Nijmegen

by Manon Wetzels and Reinier de Nooij The seed for Wake Up Nijmegen germinated during a retreat with Thich Nhat Hanh in Papendal, the Netherlands,...

For Mindfulness and For Fun

  Interview with a Wake Up Intern and International Sangha Builder Hong-An is one of the Wake Up interns in Plum Village. When she was touring...

Why Going to a Sangha Helps Me

My name is Sefrijn. About a year ago a friend liked a page on Facebook called Wake Up. I was interested in what it...

Sangha-Building with Brother Phap Ho

Dear Thay, dear Sangha, dear Siblings, My name is Phap Ho, Protector of the Dharma or Brother Protection. I come from Stockholm, Sweden and I...

Sangha-Building: Wake Up Groningen

by Nadine Spigt Actually it feels like there hasn't been so much compost for us, just a lot of flowers that needed some time before...

Interviews with Sangha-builders – Part 2

During the International Wake Up Retreat in Plum Village in August 2013 – PART II BBT: If somebody asks you how to build a sangha,...

Interviews with Sangha-builders – Part I

During the International Wake Up Retreat in Plum Village in August 2013 – PART I Sister Ban Bien Tap (BBT): Please introduce yourselves and how...

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