Wake Up at Blue Cliff Monastery
This month, we'll take a look at how the Wake Up movement is developing at Blue Cliff Monastery in New York.
Sangha of the Month...
Building Peace in the Middle East, One Step at a Time
Dear brothers and sisters in the practice,
I hope this message finds you well, taking care of body and mind. Here in Plum Village the...
Bringing the Message of Plum Village Through Music
An interview with Folk Singer and Wake Up Friend Joe Holtaway
There are many ways to come to Plum Village. People from all walks of...
Wake Up Singapore
For this month's Sangha of the Month, we travel to Asia and get to know Wake Up Singapore.
Find out how they got started and why...
Why Going to a Sangha Helps Me
My name is Sefrijn. About a year ago a friend liked a page on Facebook called Wake Up. I was interested in what it...
A Letter to Thay
Our sharing about the Wake Up Music Retreat in April in a letter to Thay:
Plum Village, 7.6.2014
Dear Thay,
Yesterday at the Dharma talk you said...
Aimless Determination
By Jonathan Borella
The Buddha spoke of three doors of liberation: Signlessness, Aimlessness, and Emptiness. Often, these doors were taught as practices to engage practitioners...
Member of the Order of the Interbeing
An Interview with Stuart Watson
What inspired you to become a member of the Order of Interbeing?
After I'd been here two years, I was looking...
Sitting With Thay
By Brandon Rennels - True Garden of Faith
The poem below was written about a lunch experience at Plum Village during the winter retreat of 2012/2013
Line forms, patiently waiting
Wake Up Madrid
This month's Sangha of the month is Wake Up Madrid.
Click here to read how they got started and what makes their sangha joyful!
Permaculture in the Heart
Wake Up Permaculture retreat in Plum Village
"We give thanks to the earth, for the food she brings" – twenty young voices sing as they...
21-Day Retreat with Thay
by Fabiano Gentile
Hello everybody,
During this month’s 21-day retreat, Thich Nhat Hanh encouraged us to stimulate our creative side through his Dharma teachings. In fact, he...
The Benefits of a Sangha
During the Wake Up Ireland retreat in Plum Village on 18-25 April 2014, we got the chance to interview another Wake Up friend, Mick...
Mindful Soccer
By Gijs Van den Broeck
And that is why learning in a classroom is just one small part of our practice.
We learn working together. We...
Practicing Beginning Anew, Anew
An experiment with appropriateness and non-attachment
I began practicing Beginning Anew with my partner, one-on-one, as a formal practice a few months ago. When it...