The Sangha Boat
An Interview with Brother Chan Phap Ho
Brother Chan Phap Ho was born and raised in Stockholm, Sweden. At the age of twenty-nine, he left...
Beastless BBQ Burger Recipes
Anneke's Cooking Blog
Summer is here! Which means that I, and many others along with me, start to long for a BBQ! Even when you...
Wake Up Hamburg
As Sangha of the month for this month, we get to know our German friends from Wake Up Hamburg, how they got started, and their...
Sailing to the Other Shore
Memories of a Winter Retreat
I chose the shape of a mandala with three circles to give you a structure of my story. The frame...
“Your Presence and Practice is All That Truly Matters”
After moving to Australia from the United States, Adam Victorino shares about practicing with Wake Up Milpitas and Wake Up Sydney.
How did you get...
Free Blind Hugs!
At the end of April, Jente and I stood on the Central Station of Rotterdam with open arms and a blind fold on. On the...
Wake Up Leuven
This month, we get to know Wake Up Leuven from Belgium and how their encounter in Plum Village inspired them to form the Sangha.
Journey to Discovering True Love
By Monastic Brother Phap Man
My journey has a lot to do with love. When I was 10 years old, my parents were divorced. It...
The Five Awarenesses
Inspired by their practice with the Third Mindfulness Training, Barry and Aurelia from Wake Up Freiburg, Germany, share their aspiration on true love, openness...
I Have Arrived, I Am Home
Weikei, one of the facilitators from Wake Up Los Angeles, shares about his arrival at Deer Park Monastery for the Wake Up retreat.
Deer Park’s...
Vegan Spring Quiche Recipe
Anneke’s Cooking Blog
A little while ago, I was asked by the Dutch Buddhist magazine ‘Boeddhistisch Dagblad’ to become a regular contributor for their cooking...
Transitioning Between Different Cultures
Last month, Gareth shared about practicing with Wake Up London and Wake Up Hong Kong. In this article, he writes about transitioning between both...
I Love Jesus But I Follow Buddha
Azariah, who attended the Wake Up retreat at Deer Park Monastery last month, shares how a Q&A session with the monastics about transgender roles...
Wake Up Graz
This month, we get to know Wake Up Graz from Austria, how they practice mindfulness together, and what makes them special!
Happy reading :)
Dear Friends
Enjoy a song sung by Joe Holtaway and friends from Wake Up London for the upcoming Peace Sounds 2 album.
If you are a musician,...