Pictures from Wake Up Gardeners (previously ambassadors) Retreat 2025

During 28 February - 7 March the Wake Up Garderners Retreat took place. This is a retreat for the people watering and caring for...

A Month of Togetherness

Dear Thay, Dear Sangha, As December unfolds and the holiday season approaches in many parts of the world, we are reminded of the precious opportunity this...

Forests to Grow People

Living in an Eco-Community by Jazz (Gijs Van den Broeck) The past four years, I have been living and volunteering in an eco-community in South India....

Practicing with a Sangha

Click here to read Part I. Part II Q: What is the role of sangha building and of being around people who support us in our practice? Brother...
Wake Up Brisbane

Wake Up Brisbane

On a rainy October evening last year, the latest rendition of the Wake Up Brisbane Sangha sounded its first bell. Wake Up Brisbane had...

Bringing Music to Your Community

In a simple but beautiful way, music has the power to make us happy and to bring a smile to our lips. Expressing ourselves...

Community and Voice Therapy

Tere from Wake Up Manchester shares about her Sangha experiences and how the practice helps her write music and support others as a voice therapist. Q: What...

Building a Community in Jerusalem

4th April 2019   Chen from Wake Up Jerusalem attended the 2019 Wake Up Ambassadors Retreat in Plum Village. In this interview, she shares about her experience...

Building a Unified Community

Connecting Wake Up and All-Ages Sanghas By Bryan Hindert A fellow Wake Upper shared an insight during a recent retreat closing circle. He was surprised to...

Bells in the Heart of London

By Josie Ng What happens when we invite a bell into a hall filled with chatty Londoners lounging on couches and sitting with their laptops?...

Order of Interbeing Transmission

Q: Thank you, Katharina and Alex, for your willingness to be interviewed about the Order of Interbeing (OI). We’re here during the 21-Day Retreat...

A Plum Village Meditation Centre in Sydney

By Jay Larbalestier Recently, I had the privilege to spend some time at the new Plum Village affiliated meditation centre in Canoelands, New South Wales. The...

The Light That Returns

Some time ago, I watched a silly superhero movie that had some surprising wisdom. Darkness, the truest darkness, is not the absence of light. It...

Wake Up Melbourne

By Jade Fersterer Discovering Wake Up What a happy moment this is, to reflect on the creation and building of Wake Up Melbourne. I remember the...

Wake Up Montréal at Maple Village

From August 4–10 2017, Wake Up Montréal organised its second retreat. It lasted 6 days, and 75 people participated. Four monastics (Sr. Boi Nghiem,...

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