Dear Wake Up community,
we are very happy to announce that you can now register for the Wake Up Earth Retreat! From May 25 to 30, 2021, our global Sangha of young adult practitioners will come together online for “our journey of resilience, compassion, and healing.”
How can we handle the feelings of dread, loneliness and anger within us and around us? There is no “back to normal” in such an uncertain and complex world. So let’s not go back, let’s come together to build a more compassionate future. Join us to activate the inner power of mindfulness, concentration and insight and learn how to transform our very difficulties into sources of energy and courage for the great regeneration ahead.
Schedule Update for the WU Retreat hosted by PV France: Recognising the work or study commitment of young people, our retreat will start with a light schedule of just sitting meditation in the morning and evening of the first two days (Wednesday and Thursday). Then we will have a full schedule for a three-day weekend retreat.
Click here to to register for European and African time zones
Click here to register for American time zones
If you live in other time zones, please check the schedule of both retreats to see which one suits your personal routine the most.
We look forward to welcoming you to the retreat!
With joy and excitement,
Wake Up International