A Quest for Truth
Monastic Sister Hien Nhan is now twenty-six years old and lives with the sisters in Lower Hamlet. She grew up living across many different...
A message from Sister Chan Khong
Dear Friend,
I hope this message finds you healthy and peaceful in these times filled with challenges and turmoil. As you know, I have lived...
Ordination Gift to My Sister
On September 9th, 2018, my sister was ordained at Deer Park Monastery along with nine other new monastics. It was an unusual experience to...
Practicing With My Family
Q: Your blood family is in France and lives close by. Do you find ways to share the practice with them?
Sister Giác Hòa: My...
The Bodhisattva Ready to Laugh, Ready to Cry
By Sister True Dedication (Sister Hien Nghiem)
There is also the Bodhisattva who is ready to laugh and ready to cry. I am ready to...
My Monastic Aspiration as a Child
By Br. Chon Tang
I'm from Alberta, Canada, and I’m 19 years old. My father is from Northwest Vietnam, and my mother is from Central...
Be Our Own Soulmate
Written by Brother Pháp Nguyện
(Br. Aspiration)
Translated by: Chúc Mai
This year, An Bang
retreat was held at Moc Lan Monastery from July 18th to July 21st,
Creating Space for Myself
Q: We are halfway through the business
retreat you are helping to organize. How easy is it for you, in the midst of
organizing, unplanned changes...
Practicing in a Monastic Community
Sister Giác Hòa (Awakened
Harmony) from New Hamlet, Plum Village, shares about committing to the
Five-Year Monastic Program and how her practice as a nun supports...
Engaging with Environmentalism
Q: How did you know that the monastic path is for you?
Sister Luc Nghiem (LN): I heard about Plum Village in a newspaper...
750 Kilometres of Nothing to Do and Nowhere to Go
By Brother Dao Hanh
Our journey started many months before we made our first steps on the legendary Appalachian Trail. The preparation consisted of route...
At the Foot of the Mountain
By Brother Dao Bi
At the foot of the mountain,
there is a stream.
Take the water from the stream and wash yourself,
and you will be cured.
Life as Monastic Aspirants in Plum Village
Click here to read Part I of this interview
Interview Part 2: New Hamlet, 11th November 2018
Q: How was your experience as a monastic aspirant?
Monastic Practice at Plum Village
October 25, 2018
Q: How was your life before you came to PV?
Sister Phu Nghiem: I have a sister and an aunt who have been...
Deciding to Become a Monastic in Plum Village
Interview Part 1: New Hamlet, 11th November 2018
Q: What was your decision-making process to ordain as a monastic?
Thien Chi: I came to Plum Village...