Pictures from Wake Up Gardeners (previously ambassadors) Retreat 2025
During 28 February - 7 March the Wake Up Garderners Retreat took place. This is a retreat for the people watering and caring for...
In the Meditation Hall
Hello :)
My name is Almut, and my dharma name is Soulful Connection of the Source, but you can call me Almut, haha. I am...
Planting and nurturing seeds for Wake Up communities in Europe
A reflection from the Wake Up Tour 2023
In the spring 2023, some monastics were on the road for six weeks to plant and nurture...
Wake Up Tour 2024
Dear young friends,In Spring 2024, the Plum Village brothers and sisters will be on the road for six weeks to come and practice “live”...
Embarking on the joyful journey of a plant-based diet
Luise (Unconditional Love of the Source) and Valentin (True Compassion of the Source) are currently enjoying the wonderful winter - sometimes together with their...
On Being an Aspirant
In June 2023, during the "Love Is Freedom" Earth Retreat, I had the chance to interview four aspirants belonging to the Wake Up Family....
The Peace Sounds Label
Peace Sounds label is a project founded by Elina Pen and Joe Holtaway from Wake Up London in 2012 to celebrate Thich Nhat Hanh's...
Wake up London: A Mindfulness Podcast
Joe Holtaway is a singer / songwriter and trainee Chaplain from England who has been part of Wake Up London for the last 10...
Wake Up Europe Tour – 18th April – 4th June 2023
In Spring 2023, Plum Village’s brothers and sisters will be on the road for six weeks to visit Wake Up Sanghas in seven countries...
Appreciating Thay’s Calligraphy in Light of the Ancestors
Grégoire Mauraisin (Bodhicita Awakening of the Source) is an aspiring writer living in Malmö, Sweden. He is an ambassador of the Wake Up Malmö...
12 Vignettes from Wake Up Humanity Retreat 2022
Abi shares with us their experience of the big Wake Up Humanity Retreat that took place with several hundred young adults in July 2022...
Joining the Order of Interbeing
The Order of Interbeing (OI) is a community of monastics and lay people who have committed to living their lives in accord with the...
Looking Deeply into White Conditioning
Meeting the Origins of Our White Conditioning in Our Store Consciousness
By Jula Pethes and Mareike Jautschus
How have the seeds in my store consciousness influenced...
Happy Farm of Lower Hamlet is Recruiting for 2022
Lower Hamlet, the nuns` hamlet in Plum Village France, is looking for a new team for the “Happy Farm” in 2022!
The Happy Farm is...
Practicing Metta or Metta in Practice?
By Lian Beijers
Click here to read the Dutch translation
When I started practicing meditation, I felt drawn to the practice of metta or loving kindness....