- This event has passed.
Online Sanghas
June 1, 2022 - July 31, 2023
Since the start of the pandemic several Sanghas have opted to go fully online, and non-local. Following Sanghas meet regularly and are open to Wake Up friends from across the globe:
Wake Up Hanoi
Weekly on Mondays 7:50-9:30pm Hanoi time (ICT)
Wake Up Singapore
Weekly on Mondays 7:30-9:30pm Singapore Time (SST)
Contact: Will
Wake Up Medellín
Weekly on Tuesdays at 7pm Medellín time (Colombia Time/COT)
Spanish speaking
Contact: Alejandra
Wake Up Aachen
Even calendar weeks: Tuesday at 8pm Aachen time (Central European Time/CET)
Uneven calendar weeks: Thursday at 7:30pm Aachen time
Or check the public calendar.
Rooted River Sangha
Weekly on Wednesdays at 7pm Saint Louis time (Central Time/CT).
More info: www.rootedriversangha.org
Relaxing Morning Sangha
Weekly on Saturdays at 9am New York time (Eastern Time/ET).
Usual schedule: Sitting meditation (15 min) – Listening to Teaching (15 min) – Dharma Sharing (30 min)
Contact: Himdeep
Wake Up Melbourne
Biweekly on Saturdays at 3pm Melbourne time (Australia Eastern Time/AET).
Contact: Angela
Wake Up Buffalo
Weekly on Sundays, 6-8pm Buffalo, NY time (ET).
More info: https://facebook.com/wakeupbuffalo
Wake Up Earth Holder Sangha
Meets monthly on the first Sunday of the month 5-7pm Paris time (CET)
Facilitated by Plum Village monastics
More info: bit.ly/earthholder
Metta Sangha
Meets monthly on the third Sunday of the month 8-8.45pm Paris time (CET) for metta meditation
For more (all ages) online Sanghas, visit Plumline.