Pictures from Wake Up Gardeners (previously ambassadors) Retreat 2025

During 28 February - 7 March the Wake Up Garderners Retreat took place. This is a retreat for the people watering and caring for...

Mindfulness (6/6): Mindfulness of Emotions 2 and Conclusion

This is the final part of our Mindfulness series. In it, we continue our discussion of Emotions and dive into the Four Establishment of...

Mindfulness (5/6): Mindfulness of Emotions 1

Mindfulness of Emotions   Context Before I share how mindfulness can help us manage painful emotions, I want to provide some context by saying three important things. First,...

Mindfulness (4/6): A Mindful Day and “If I just live in the present, how...

A Mindful Day There are many ways for you to bring mindfulness into your daily life. Sitting Meditation I suggest you start each day by sitting down...

Mindfulness (3/6): Mindfulness of the Body, Smile, Stand Tall, Slow Down, and Move Smoothly

Mindfulness of the Body After discussing Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness, let’s go back to the progression which works best for most people, most of the time. After...

Mindfulness (2/6): Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness

Although the breath is an excellent anchor for most people most of the time, it is not necessarily suitable for everyone all of the time. If, as you focus on your breath, you experience an adverse reaction, it may be from past trauma.

Mindfulness (1/6): Intro, Mindfulness of Breathing

Mindfulness is the practice of living each moment with awareness, kindness, curiosity, and acceptance. A mindfulness practice can help you center your mind, relax your body, generate peace and joy, soothe painful emotions, develop emotional intelligence, and cultivate inner freedom.

Distinguishing the Wise and Foolish Ones

Wake Up Wisdom* #4 "The fool and the wise person are not separate. They’re only different in their degrees of freedom and happiness." Question: There is...

Dharma Talk on Gender Inclusivity

"Our society has hurt you enough. You seek to come to the Plum Village tradition to find peace, love and refuge."During last month's Wake...

An important message from Sr Chan Khong

Dear Friends, As I write to you today, I am listening to the bird songs outside my window. The signs of spring are all around...

Opening My Heart to Different Perspectives

Wake Up Wisdom* #3 " when I opened my heart, I was able to let go of seeing ideas as black and white. It’s like...

Learning to Trust

Wake Up Wisdom #2 In Wake Up Wisdom we share with you precious pieces of insight to support you on your path of practice. The questions in...

Being busynessless

"When I sit in my room, enjoying tea, am I being productive or not? Vô sự - busyness-less is needed business for our times....

How to Balance Work and Self-Care

Our new series Wake Up Wisdom provides you with precious pieces of insight to support you on your path of practice. Over the coming months, we will...

Racial Justice – What Can White People Do?

Sister Tam Muoi (aka Sr. Samadhi) recounts her personal journey with the practice of White Awareness. White people, do something. But what? Please allow me...

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