Bells in the Heart of London
By Josie Ng
What happens when we invite a bell into a hall filled with chatty Londoners lounging on couches and sitting with their laptops?...
Order of Interbeing Transmission
Q: Thank you, Katharina and Alex, for your willingness to be interviewed about the Order of Interbeing (OI). We’re here during the 21-Day Retreat...
“Before” Album Music
By Joe Holtaway
I've been in love with songwriting for as long as I remember. Some chords, a melody and some words; a sharing from...
Plum Village “L-O-V-E” Music Video
A music video called "L-O-VE" we shot with monastics and Wake Uppers all over the world right after last summer's Wake Up Earth retreat...
European Wake Up Ambassadors Week
We’re planting seeds of new communities
It’s time to wake up!
It’s time to wake up together! The European Wake Up Ambassadors had a retreat in...
What Does It Truly Mean to Serve?
During the five weeks I spent volunteering in Athens in October and November last year, the question “What does it truly mean to serve?”...
Mindful Community Living in Athens
With a calming breath and closed eyes, my mind travels back to Athens, Greece, and my first reaction is to smile. A smile born...
The Light That Returns
Some time ago, I watched a silly superhero movie that had some surprising wisdom.
Darkness, the truest darkness, is not the absence of light. It...
Plum Village, A Mindfulness Village
by Ilse from Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Last Christmas, I experienced a special week in Plum Village, near Bordeaux, in the south of France. I learned...
A Spiritual Practice We Unwittingly do
My spiritual path is this human life.
My practice is waking up with a heavy heart and still getting up.
Letting myself be washed over by...
The Joys of Just Being Normal
By Gijs
A young monk was trying really hard to meditate, but he just was not able to focus properly. Frustrated with himself, he went...
A New Way of Living Relationships
By David Lion
I am currently in love with a woman.
Basically from the moment we met, I've been aware of a deep connection I find...
Mindfully Angry!? ~ On Our Longing for Authenticity
By Leni
It took me a while before I understood the importance of anger. That being angry is not a sin. That you are not...
Blooming Flower
By Alberto Galassi
The flower blooms in your consciousness,
But this doesn’t mean it is not blooming at all.
No barriers between you and me,
No blood to...
True Love
During the international Wake Up retreat in France this past summer, one of our Dutch Wake Up friends from Nijmegen, Verena, shared about the...