Happy Scientists Change The World

Dr. Rita Issa is a medical doctor living in London, who who works at a center known for its comprehensive approaches to healthcare through...

Welcome Tickets for Artist Retreat

This Spring, the EIAB will welcome participants in the fourth Wake Up Your Artist (WUYA) Retreat in Germany*. WUYA is dedicated to "discovering your creativity:...

Practicing with a Sangha

Click here to read Part I. Part II Q: What is the role of sangha building and of being around people who support us in our practice? Brother...

Climate Crisis in Paradise

By Wouter Verhoeven There is a placeThe closing talk of the 2016 Wake Up Retreat was a beautiful Dharma talk. Brother Phap Dang ended his...

Choosing Another Path

By Zoé Moulin I am living in Plum Village as a long-term lay friend for almost two years. My idea with Choosing Another Path was...

Raising a Daughter

By Tan I’m lucky to live in a multicultural community with a Vietnamese culture that’s part of Plum Village. When I left Vietnam for France,...

How to Practice After Leaving Plum Village

Written by a Plum Village monastic Part I I wanted to connect with Sanghas outside Plum Village, see what’s going on, and try to get a sense of...

Mindful Parenting

By Adrien Lecomte I was born in Belgium, and I am 30 years old. I live with my Vietnamese wife Tan and our daughter Mailys...

Bringing Music to Your Community

In a simple but beautiful way, music has the power to make us happy and to bring a smile to our lips. Expressing ourselves...

Learning to Love Myself in Plum Village

Click here to read Mick’s reflection on serving the Happy Farm and Plum Village for several years. Q: How have you transformed at Plum Village? Considering...

Burnout to Dharma Bum

Insights from a year living in Plum Village By Doran from Wake Up Brighton It’s 4 a.m. I can feel my heart beating and my whole...

Community and Voice Therapy

Tere from Wake Up Manchester shares about her Sangha experiences and how the practice helps her write music and support others as a voice therapist. Q: What...

Serving Happy Farm and Plum Village

December 6, 2018 in New Hamlet Q: Why did you stay for three years in Plum Village? Did you know in the beginning you’d stay that...

Food and Cooking in Plum Village

Wake Upper Marek from Poland is a passionate cook and currently serves the Sangha in Plum Village as the kitchen coordinator in Son Ha, one of the monks’ residences. In this interview, he shares practices to bring mindfulness into the kitchen and a diet that serves ourselves as well as our planet.

Bells in the Heart of London

By Josie Ng What happens when we invite a bell into a hall filled with chatty Londoners lounging on couches and sitting with their laptops?...

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