Wake Up Tree Foundation

“…we’re planting TREES for new communities… “

The Wake Up Tree Foundation’s dream is to engage actively into protecting our planet. In many places in this world, trees are being cut down. Looking deeply into our Interbeing Nature with the trees, Young Practitioners have started planting trees at the end of Wake Up Retreats, as a symbol of our wish to take care of the planet, as well as entrusting the seeds of happiness, community, love and understanding that have been watered during the Retreat to the Earth and letting them grow into a tall trees, bearing fruits for everyone to enjoy. Eventually all these Trees will form a worldwide “Wake Up Forest”, also spiritually connecting the international community of practitioners.

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A Forest is like a Sangha.

The Wake Up Tree Foundation was born on the 6th of April 2010, when the first Wake Up Walnut Tree was planted at the EIAB in Germany.

Have a look at the map of the international Wake Up Forest

Let’s plant a worldwide Wake Up Forest!

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Every day, about 10 Million trees are being cut down in places all over the world. With each tree our mother’s capacity to keep in ecological equilibrium is being compromised severely. Planting trees is a symbol of hope.

“In the world to come, every tree counts!”

Plant trees and ask your friends to plant trees. At every Retreat, or project that allows it: plant trees! We have celebrated tree planting as a symbol of entrusting our aspirations to the earth and letting them grow, a symbol of watering the good seeds in us, and to provide the conditions for future generations to enjoy the beautiful fruit of our actions.

If you want to plant a Wake Up Tree, please consult the “How to plant a Wake Up Tree” – Manual (coming soon!)

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Trees as a symbol of connection:

Trees form vast networks underground, exchanging information using electrical impulses as well as chemicals, for example by releasing chemicals into the air that have the capacity to make surrounding vegetation aware of the tree’s experience. They exchange nutriments through their root connections – older, established trees nurture and support those that face more difficult conditions. They live in  complex symbiotic relationships with several other species, plants, animals and funghi, which they couldn’t be without and which couldn’t be without them. The oxygen produced by any tree in the world is the same oxygen  that we breathe. Even though some forests are far away, the gaseous realm is patient and the winds far-travelled. We truly inter-are with every tree on this beautiful planet.

“Cutting a tree makes a lot of noise. The forest grows silently.”  Unknown

Let Wake Up Projects be like trees, deeply rooted in the earth, its roots feeding on the practice and natural beauty of our minds, transmitted to us as the fertile soil of our spiritual and blood ancestors’ wisdom. Let us be open to the gifts of the wondrous sky of the present moment by unfolding our leafy awareness to absorb the sunshine of community and love. Let us feel the joy of the Dharma Rain, drizzling on our foiliage, running down the branches and our trunk. Let it seep into the soil and bring delightful lushness to our hearts

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Trees are sanctuaries.

Whoever knows how to speak to them, whoever knows how to listen to them, can learn the truth. They do not preach learning and precepts, they preach, undeterred by particulars, the ancient law of life.

When we are stricken and cannot bear our lives any longer, then a tree has something to say to us: Be still! Be still! Look at me! Life is not easy, life is not difficult. Those are childish thoughts. Let God speak within you, and your thoughts will grow silent. You are anxious because your path leads away from mother and home. But every step and every day lead you back again to the mother. Home is neither here nor there. Home is within you, or home is nowhere at all.

~Hermann Hesse

The Wake Up Tree foundation also umbrellas the “Forest of Interbeing”, a reforestation project in the region of Southern Veracruz, Mexico. → read more.