“We Are Wildness” Retreat


    switzerland-flyerDear friends,

    The Wake Up Lausanne group propose a “We Are Wildness” Wake Up retreat from the afternoon of the 31st July to the morning of the 7th August (see flyers attached with registration link).

    We will spend a week in the majestic Swiss Alps, hiking every day (around 6 hours), sleeping under the stars, eating simple food, connecting with the wildness, around and within!

    Being a young adult in this time, in this world, we often find ourselves running from activity to activity, almost constantly immersed in man-made constructions and sounds. Only rarely do we find the time to stop and be in nature. Most of us are overwhelmed by many layers of conditioning keeping us from being connected with ourselves, with others and the natural world around us.

    This retreat will be based on the mindfulness practice which emerged from Plum Village and will be enriched by some Deep Ecology practices and ancestral rituals helping us to reconnect with the natural world and ultimately with life.

    Our practice will be focused on experiencing the beauty and the preciousness of being alive and letting joy and gratitude carry us through the day. We will also create holding spaces in order to recognize and honor our suffering and to connect to deep sources of transformative strength.

    We will stop and practice being in the present moment and engaging in the world with all our personal gifts in order to bring about the change we want to see!

    We will spend time deepening our awareness of the interconnectedness of all things and cultivating our compassion and loving kindness, which are essential in order to engage with trust.

    In the course of this week, we will have the opportunity to be immersed in nature, to be connected with our body and the earth in the present moment and learn to take refuge in the web of life. We will spend time alone and as a group, to comtemplate, meditate and celebrate! We will also have some sacred rituals and vision quest time alone (alone time every day and at least 1 complete night and day will be spent alone at the end of the retreat (without walking)).

    If you feel inspired by what we have described and want any other information, please contact us at:wildnessretreat@gmail.com

    The price does not include the transportation fees to and from the starting and finishing point.

    Feel free to spread the word and forward this email to your network.

    With much warmth, from a blossoming Switzerland,

    Jana, Marie-Fleur, Arnaud


    Download the flyers in English and in French.

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