Wake Up UK & Ireland Retreat


    If you are aged 18-35(ish), are based in (or come from) the UK or Ireland, and would like to enjoy a week in Plum Village together experiencing the mindfulness practices of Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh, then please register here.


    Once you register, you will need to make a payment to secure your place.


    In our week together in Plum Village, we have the precious opportunity to take a break and enjoy being in the beautiful nature of South-Western France, where several monks, nuns, young men and young women will together create a joyful, refreshing and peaceful retreat.

    You will have the chance to learn and experience the art of sitting meditation, deep total relaxation and walking meditation on the legendary Plum Village paths through fields and forests. We will learn how to really be there for ourselves and for each other, and to really listen to our own hearts and to one another. We will live together simply, healthily and joyfully – with music, dance, games, maybe hikes and bonfires.

    This is a wonderful opportunity to bring together all the Wake Up sanghas and young mindfulness practitioners in the UK & Ireland to nourish and deepen our connections, and enjoy being together in this special place as one rich and diverse community.

    To find out more about your stay in Plum Village, please go to their website for more information.


    Retreat contribution

    Plum Village monastery is a non-profit charitable organization run entirely by donations. The retreat contribution includes the cost of your accommodation and three meals a day. The contribution will depend on the type of accommodation you choose when registering:

    • Camping (tent or van – please bring your own): £150
    • Dormitory: £225
    • 3 or 4-bed room: £320
    • 2-bed room: £370
    Plum Village are generously offering a discount of up to £75 for camping, or up to £100 on other options, for those who would otherwise be unable to afford this retreat. We invite you to select the option which is most appropriate to your needs and ability to pay during registration – the options are:
    • No discount requested
    • £25 discount
    • £50 discount
    • £75 discount
    • £100 discount (not available for camping)
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