Wake Up Retreat – The Music We Are


    Wake Up Music Retreat 2015

    Let us join together, young people from far and wide, to sing, dance, move, play and celebrate our collective creativity!

    This year will be our third birthday and this year’s retreat will encompass everything from the past two years, but with more! Harmony singing, more dance and movement and a deeper exploration of sound, silence, movement and stillness. We will let poetry, stories, songs, melodies, rhythms and the space between nourish us as we arrive deeper into the present moment.

    We will sit, breathe, walk, eat and work together in mindfulness to discover the source of our inner music and explore the music of our hearts. Together we will live the rhythm of monastery life for seven days and enjoy music, meditation, sharing and joy. There will also be the space for expressing sorrow and difficulty and the opportunity for healing through singing and moving together, as well as creating safe spaces to share from the heart.

    If you play an instrument, or know a dance, then please bring it with you. But don’t worry if you consider yourself unmusical – everyone is welcome to come and enjoy themselves in an atmosphere of togetherness and acceptance. If you have any questions please send us a message: charlietrump@gmail.com

    This is an example of a daily schedule. Things will be flexible and you will not have to attend everything. The most important thing is to nourish and take care of yourself and the Sangha:

    05:30 – Wake Up

    06:00 – Sitting Meditation

    06:45 – Exercise

    07:30 – Breakfast

    08:30 – Working Meditation

    09:30 – Dharma Talk

    11:00 – Walking Meditation

    12:00 – Lunch

    14:00 – Deep Relaxation

    15:00 – Workshop

    18:00 – Dinner

    19:30 – Sharing in Families

    21:30 – Noble Silence

    See you there!

    8-15 October 2015

    Arrival: 8th October between 13.00 and 18 o’clock
    Departure: 15th October between 15.00 and 18 o clock

    A retreat for young people (ages 16-35)

    The EIAB offers a 35% reduction for students & low income people. For people with very limited money, a further reduction might be possible. In this case, please contact the EIAB registration office directly.

    Registration in English: https://eiab.eu/?event=wake-up-the-music-we-are-2

    Registration in German: https://eiab.eu/?event=the-music-we-are

    Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1396157987380884

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