Wake Up Retreat: Strength and Vulnerability Interare!


    Wake Up Netherlands retreat

    Wake Up Summer Retreat: Strength and Vulnerability Interare!
    The annual Wake Up Summer retreat at the Maanhoeve is being organised yet again! And as usual we have a theme that resonates both with the Wake Up friends that organise the retreat, and with many of the participants that often visit our groups.

    Wake Up is a beautiful environment, where people feel like they can be themselves and can show themselves fully: with their talents, their shine and cheerfulnes, as well as their challenges, vulnerabilities and their moods 😉
    Being allowed to be open and vulnerable, can often give a large sense of freedom and strength. That is why we dare to state: strength and vulnerability are very closely connected. The one cannot exist without the other. Strength and Vulnerability Interare.

    Saying it may seem easy. But can we truly feel & experience it? Do we dare play with it?

    With support from the monks from the EIAB (Germany) and Wim & Ida of the Maanhoeve, we will explore and experience this theme together. We will do so in a quiet and peaceful environment, between the flowers and the animals.

    Where: De Maanhoeve (Exloerveen, Drenthe), also check www.demaanhoeve.nl
    When: Wednesday July 15th (17.00 hrs) until Sunday July 19th (15.30 hrs)
    Price: 100 € for camping, 120 € for a bed in a shared room, excl. Dana.
    For whom: young adults (18-35ish) who are enthusiastic to practice in the tradition of Vietnamese Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh. Both experienced as new practitioners are very welcome!

    You can register here: https://goo.gl/9R1oiX

    Any questions? E-mail us at info@wkup.nl
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