Wake Up Campout Retreat


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    Wake Up Retreat at MorningSun

    July 28 @ 5:00 pmJuly 31 @ 2:00 pm

    A Path of Joy, Solidity, and Freedom

    A special retreat for young adults – ages 18-35ish

    There are many challenges we face in our lives.  In the midst of this, a solid practice of mindful living can bring us so much joy, solidity and freedom.  We grow the strength and capacity to create loving relationships, to build a community of supportive friends, to care for the Earth and contribute to positive change in the world.

    In the retreat, we will be sharing daily meditation, yoga, mindful meals, listening to teachings, hikes in the forest, and discussions, as well as have time to enjoy swimming, music-filled bonfires, starry nights, and canoeing – surrounded by 240 beautiful acres of  MorningSun Community.


    Most of us will be camping, with a few rustic rooms available. Healthy vegetarian meals will be served from our outdoor kitchen and usually eaten on picnic tables at the beach. Outhouses and solar-hot-water-showers will be available.  Gatherings will be held in our straw-bale meditation hall. There is also the possibility of staying at a nearby eco-bed-and-breakfast for those who would prefer (follow this link for more information on this option).

    Program Fees
    The total cost of the retreat is made of two parts: the cost of your meals and program, and the cost of accommodations.

    • Program/Meal Fee – Sliding scale: $140 – $220 (you decide based on your life circumstance)
    • Accommodations –
      • Camping for the Wake Up retreat is FREE
      • Please contact us about our limited indoor spaces (they are on a first come first serve basis, registration form for details).
      • Commuters have no accommodation fee

    Financial Assistance:
    Please do not let finances deter you from attending the retreat. We offer two levels of scholarship, one at 25% and one at 50% of the total cost of the retreat. If you would like to request financial assistance, please CLICK HERE and fill out the Financial Assistance Request Form. We will then contact you regarding your request for support. Thank you. (You do not need to fill out the Registration Form below)

    A 50% deposit is required upon registration.  Full details and information on the retreat will be provided in a confirmation letter.

    Registration: Click here to register

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