Wake Up Netherlands Retreat: Touching the Beginner’s Mind


    All pieces of the puzzle have come together for a wonderful Weekend Retreat during Easter: support of the Dutch monastics from Plum Village and EIAB, a super-location in Apeldoorn, a professional cook who will arrange delicious meals for us with her mindful cook-team, and to conclude a very inspiring and appropriate theme :)

    Let the Spring come in, we are ready for it!

    This weekend we will dive into the basic practices of mindfulness in the tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh, in a playful Wake-Up manner.

    Do you think that you already know it all? Or you feel still very new? In both cases you should definitely come!

    This weekend’s program is especially designed for experienced practitioners and new-practitioners. Even more: we are especially looking for a mix of both ;)

    Together we will practice with our ‘Beginners Mind’.

    Letting go of your ideas of the practice, and simply experiencing the practice, as if you have never done it before :)

    Both listening to the bell, and (learning to) invite the bell; both sharing during dharma-sharing, as well as (learning to) guide the dharma-sharing: by doing it together with a sense of curiosity and flexibility we create the opportunity to ‘sink more deeply’ into the practice.

    We will see that a ‘Beginners Mind’ can be cultivated and practiced, whether you meditate since 10 years or since yesterday!

    What can you expect more this weekend? ‘Wake Up’! What else?

    Everyone is invited to arrive on Friday evening, between dinnertime (18:00) and noble silence (before 22:00). On Fridaynight we will have a pot-luck dinner for those who arrive at dinner time, and we will offer a total relaxation. In this way we will all be rested and present before starting our program on Saturday morning. On Monday we will close up together in the late afternoon.

    Date and time: 3rd April (arrival before 22:00) – 6th April 16:00
    Location: “Het Woldhuis” in Apeldoorn
    Contribution: 125€, excluding Dana :)

    Signing up: you can sign up here.

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