Pictures from Wake Up Gardeners (previously ambassadors) Retreat 2025


During 28 February – 7 March the Wake Up Garderners Retreat took place. This is a retreat for the people watering and caring for the Wake Up sangha gardens in their local homes (previously known as Ambassadors).

Getting together with other Wake Uppers is a great way to nourish the people supporting our sanghas while sharing experiences, insights, and enjoying each others’ company.

One retreatant shared their experience from the week

The Wake Up Gardeners Retreat was a blessing, we felt so nourished and supported by the monastic community and Plum Village volunteers for a cause that is so important: building compassionate communities in the world.

I left filled with hope knowing that people from all over the globe are determined and driven to cultivate compassion and understanding in their cities and to inspire peace every day.

We have gathered some pictures from the week here:


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