Wake Up Earth Holders Sangha Online Meeting


    We are happy to invite you to the upcoming Wake Up Earth Holders Sangha, this coming Sunday, Dec. 3rd. We will be joined by Brother Jem, who will be sharing on the topic “I am Earth, Walking on Earth”.

    Jem (Jerker Eje Mattias) grew up in Stockholm and started meditating at the age of 21. After leaving his job as a family lawyer and traveling in India, Jem found his spiritual home in Plum Village with Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh. When he was ordained a monk in 2003, he was named Chan Phap Ho (Dharma’s True Protector). He has 10 years of experience as a Dharma teacher during his time as a monk as he guided thousands of people in “the art of mindful living” in North America, Sweden and Asia. He still devotes his life to spreading love and understanding. The combination of mindfulness, meditation, qigong and time in nature is Jem’s foundation for well-being in his life and work.

    Meet us in Zoom

    Meeting ID: 917 8184 029
    Passcode:  clouds
    Zoom link: 

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