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Youth Retreat @ Alicante, Spain: Love Letter to Mother Earth

Os ofrecemos una convivencia de 5 días en un entorno natural y vivir una experiencia compartida con otros jóvenes, practicando la atención plena, desde que nos levantamos, hasta acostarnos por la noche. Exploraremos cómo conectar con el cuerpo y aprender a relajarse, a conectar con las  emociones y los sentimientos y aprender a que no nos dominen. Nos sentaremos en calma aceptádonos como somos, caminaremos acariciando la tierra con nuestros pies, comeremos saboreando cada bocado y agradeciendo a la tierra sus regalos. Practicaremos el habla amorosa y la escucha profunda, compartiendo lo que llevamos en nuestro corazón. Todo esto en un ambiente relajado, creativo y alegre.

Education is Not for Information, but to Teach Human Beings

A few days before the Wake Up Schools retreat took place at the University of Barcelona from the 9th to the 11th of May,...

The Lack of Understanding Turns Us Into Victims

This article was featured in the Spanish newspaper Lavanguardia on 28 June 2014. Thich Nhat Hanh, whom Martin Luther King nominated for the Nobel Peace...

Wake Up Madrid

This month's Sangha of the month is Wake Up Madrid. Click here to read how they got started and what makes their sangha joyful!

Wake Up Wanderings Additions

There is more Wake Up news from last year than can be contained in one simple newsletter, so we'd like to share a sampling...

Life the Universe and Everything

Here are Delfin's true and moving reflections on Life, Plum Village and the Wake Up movement (in Spanish) . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K9rIi99CvI8 If you understand Spanish then please...

I gently decide to STOP

Dear Thay, Dear Sangha, It’s almost three weeks since I came back from Plum Village after spending 5 weeks and a half, from the Young...