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Tag: Wake Up Tour

Love in our Generation

By Jenny Hamp In April 2011 I asked a Brooklyn Sangha friend how to get in touch with New York Wake Up. The next week...

Meditating with incarcerated young people, in the Bronx, New York

NBC News did this little news report on our very moving visit to a detention center in New York earlier this month, as part...

Basic Mindfulness Practice

At Penn University Phap Luu introduced the practice of mindfulness for our daily lives. He talks about freedom and stopping. This talk was given...

How to continue the practice

Sr True Dedication shares about how to continue the practice in our daily lives; from the day of mindfulness at Georgetown during the Wake...

Total Relaxation – Sr. Dan Nghiem

Sister Dan Nghiem gave this total relaxation at Dartmouth on a mindfulness day. Please lie down and enjoy letting go. https://soundcloud.com/wkup-1/total-relaxation-sr-dan-nghiem Total_Relaxation_Sr_Dan_Nhiem

Handling Strong Emotions – This is how it’s done!

Sit back and enjoy this amazing talk from Sister True Brightness about handling strong emotions from our day with the School of Ethics and...

The Wake Up Tour of East Coast Universities Begins…

free events for young people to discover mindfulness & meditation with monastic students of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh About a dozen young monks and nuns will...

Wake Up Ireland Tour

Ireland Tour Mindfulness in Action U. College Cork – NUI Galway – Queen's U. Belfast – Dublin City U. Mindfulness, Community, Healing Young people waking up the world Buddhist...

Wake Up UK Tour 2011
