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The Joys of Just Being Normal

By Gijs A young monk was trying really hard to meditate, but he just was not able to focus properly. Frustrated with himself, he went...

How to Practice When Your Partner Is Not Interested in Mindfulness

Question: How can I practice when my partner is not interested in the practice? Thay’s Answer: When you are lovable, when you are fresh, when...

I Love Jesus But I Follow Buddha

Azariah, who attended the Wake Up retreat at Deer Park Monastery last month, shares how a Q&A session with the monastics about transgender roles...

This is Not Your Parents’ Buddhism

This article, written by Denise Nguyen to help promote the Viet Wake Up event in Southern California this past Spring 2014, was aimed at...

A Young Buddhist

By Friso Woudstra Born in a land without war, a land without parents who have suffered from war. Freedom is just normal to us. Even more,...