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Mindful Community Living in Athens

With a calming breath and closed eyes, my mind travels back to Athens, Greece, and my first reaction is to smile. A smile born...

Wake Up Tampa

This month of February, we travel to the warm state of Florida in the United States and discover what makes Wake Up Tampa special....

Mindful Soccer

By Gijs Van den Broeck And that is why learning in a classroom is just one small part of our practice. We learn working together. We...

Planting Seeds of Brotherhood & Sisterhood

Dear Friends, I'm feeling inspired by trees tonight and wanted to share that with you. I’m very inspired by the planting of trees. The 22 Wake Up...

A Love Letter to The Bat Nha Monastics

Wake Up skype cosmos, 25th of September 2010 Dear Brothers and Sisters of Bat Nha, We - the Wake Up Youth Sangha - are sitting together...